Tag: Punk

Swear Jar has teamed up with Early Onset Records, a new non-profit record label (also based in Vancouver), to release this follow up album.
Ed Sum
Technophile, Pop Culture Addict, Lover of Egyptian Antiquity and Paranormal Enthusiast
This film looks at the emerging punk rock movement in a country embroiled in a civil war.
Ed Sum
Technophile, Pop Culture Addict, Lover of Egyptian Antiquity and Paranormal Enthusiast
This film is amusing as it explores what “punk” means for three youths growing up in 80s Stockholm
Ed Sum
Technophile, Pop Culture Addict, Lover of Egyptian Antiquity and Paranormal Enthusiast
AUTV Season 2 Episode 8 Inside the episode you’ll see interviews and stories on: Scythia, Skampida, and The metal legends Anvil and more…
John Warnock
Webmaster, Video Producer, Photographer, Graphic Designer